Ogemaw County

City of West Branch

Rose City, MI

​Michigan Lake & Stream Association, Inc.

Midwest Invasive Species
Information Network

Health Canada                                                           https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/news/2019/01/statement-from-health-canada-on-glyphosate.html

Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration Foundation                             http://www.aquatics.org/glyphosate/glyphosate.html

Weed Treatments Cont.

2024 Bass Catch & Release Tournament and Fundraiser

Hello all! It's time to get serious about registering for the June 8 Catch & Release Bass Tournament. Please see the attached flyer which contains updated registration information, starting time, and 50/50 raffle details.

Treatment maps will be posted here as they are available.

See the link pasted below for downloadable copies of prior treatments including water quality reports.

The donaim names of hendersonlake.org and .net have been reserved. This websites purpose is to create a place for providing useful and important information to property owners.​

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Curly Leaf Pondweed

Links to related / useful websites

Photo of Curly Leaf and Eurasian Water Milfoil growing together May 2013.

Northpoint Fisheries, LLC conducted a Fish Sampling / Survey of Henderson Lake on June 1-4, 2020.  The overall findings were that the lake is healthy, but needs more predator fish for optimum balance.

Click here to open the Survey Report from Northpoint Fisheries, LLC.

Eurasian Water Milfoil

The 2024 treatment season began with water quality measurements and water chemistry samples being takin in April before the lake was disturbed by summer boating activity. 

The first weed management treatment will happen AFTER Memorial Weekend.  This is about two weeks earlier than usual because of the early spring.  The ice came off the lake during the first week in March.  In 2023 ice-off happened during the last week of March.  Some years it hasn't happened until the first or second week of April.

​The second treatment will be early July, but avoiding the popular July 4th vacation week.

The third treatment will be after Labor Day.   

Our efforts toward control of the Eurasian Water Milfoil are working. We can't take our eyes off the sights.

2020 Fish Sampling / Survey

Website for Residents & Property Owners at this Wonderful Place

Weed Treatments

Welcome to Henderson Lake in Lupton, Michigan